Greenhouse Capacity Expansion Completed

New shelving and LED grow lights

The Coppell Community Garden program has completed a project to expand the capacity of our greenhouse. The new shelving and LED grow lights (pictured) provide 120 square feet of space to grow transplants. The expansion has increased the capacity of the greenhouse by 67% compared to the previous configuration.

The Coppell Community Garden greenhouse grows region- and season-appropriate transplants year-round for all three of the Coppell Community Gardens in Coppell, all of the Coppell ISD school gardens and to raise funds to help continue the mission of the program. In 2020, the greenhouse provided over 25,000 transplants to support these uses. In 2020, transplants from the greenhouse helped the Coppell Community Garden program donate over 26,000 pounds of fresh, organic produce to the Metrocrest Services food pantry in Carrollton to benefit their patrons.

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