
Growing Community through Gardens that Give

Volunteer gardeners use their gardening skills to raise fresh, nutritious produce year round to donate to the Metrocrest Services Food Pantry. In 2020, 26,340 pounds of fresh produce was donated to Metrocrest Services Food Pantry and over 12,000 volunteer hours were documented to grow and harvest the produce.

Gardeners learn about growing fruits and vegetables organically, cultivate their plots, and work together on community chores. You don’t need to be an expert, just have an interest in organic vegetable gardening.

There are many ways to contribute; you can adopt a plot and become a gardener; you can volunteer and help us harvest on Saturday mornings; and/or you can be a supporter by making a donation to the garden.


American Community Gardening Association

Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association


The Coppell Community Garden Corporation was established in 1998 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to oversee two community gardens in the city. The Farmers Market joined the non-profit in 2003. The all-volunteer organization is a grassroots effort to cultivate a healthy community and make a difference in the lives that are touched. In 2015 the name of the non-profit was changed to the Coppell Sustainable Food Organization to better reflect the two organizations that it oversees.

The Board of Directors meet regularly at the Coppell Service Center.  The Board Meetings are open meetings.  Agenda and Minutes can be requested by emailing info@coppellcommunitygarden.org.

2020 Annual Report

Coppell Sustainable Food Organization

2023 Board of Directors

President – Marie Conrath
Vice President – Vince Sidwell
Treasurer – Peggy Rosson
Past President – Tim Thompson
Coppell Farmers Market Representative – Amanda Novak
Coppell Community Garden Representative – Bert Tindall
Coppell ISD Representative – Jodie Deinhammer
Member at Large – Jayashree Arunachalam
Member at Large – Verghese Thomas
Member at Large – Chris Williams

Non-voting Members

Coppell Farmers Market Manager – Amanda Austin
City Liaison – Marissa Olivas
Metrocrest Services Liaison – Bev Grimley
Student Representative – Ashley Zhang
Student Representative – Nikhil Kini

Our Mission & Vision

Vision: We facilitate a community where people are engaged in sustainable living practices which positively affect global change.

Mission: To create a community setting for volunteers to learn and practice organic gardening methods and grow fresh nutritious produce which is donated to those in need.

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  • Sign up for updates on upcoming classes and sustainable living opportunities.